Posted on: 6/11/20
This week (2-8th November) is National Pathology week and a time to celebrate the important work and contribution pathologists make to the NHS and wider healthcare industries.
In 2020, the world was thrust into an unprecedented position as coronavirus spread rapidly across the globe.
As we fight two battles; to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 and limit the spread of the virus, pathologists are working hard behind the scenes on both fronts to help keep us safe.
The Royal College of Pathologists is responsible for hosting the week; which includes a wide range of events and activities, reaching a diverse audience, to help promote the profession and engage people of all ages.

This year’s theme is ‘Pathology: at the heart of healthcare’ and aims to shine the spotlight on careers in pathology to students and foundation doctors and to demonstrate its key role in medicine and health.
At the start of the week, Dr Lizzie Burns held three online YouTube sessions for school students where they created their own origami ‘beating hearts’, while learning more about the anatomy of the heart and its functions.
Wednesday saw a group of RCPath members take part in ‘Meet the Pathologists’ sessions, where they spoke to secondary school students aged 13-18 about careers in pathology and answered questions about the profession.
On Friday, veterinary science students can take part in an online pathology-themed quiz with questions gathered from RCPath members specialising in veterinary pathology. The questions will focus on animal disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
During National Pathology Week 2019, the Royal College of Pathology worked with the Scout Association to create a brand-new pathology-themed resource pack to assist Cubs and Scouts in achieving various health and science-related badges. This has been a great success!
In Contronics’ 25 years of business, we have seen the field of pathology evolve exponentially and are proud to support pathologists working in the NHS and other healthcare organisations.
We would like to personally thank all pathologists for their hard work during this time and dedication to their profession.