Posted on: 14/04/20
Microsoft has announced that its Microsoft Teams software, which allows you to chat, meet, call and collaborate remotely, will be made available for free to NHS staff all over the country to enable quick communication during the coronavirus outbreak.
NHS Digital has now rolled out Teams across all NHSmail users and any organisations not currently using this system will also be given free access to Teams once they apply directly to Microsoft. Access will also be granted to NHS Digital’s NHSmail support site to assist with the rollout.
The move means that key workers will be able to use audio and video calls, as well as instant messaging, to share advice and updates on their patients, no matter where they are.
Chief executive of Microsoft UK Cindy Rose commented: “Microsoft is fully committed to assisting the NHS at this incredibly challenging time. The use of Microsoft Teams will ensure the hardworking doctors, nurses and support staff across all NHS organisations have the collaboration tools they need to carry out their vital work.
“We are hugely appreciative of their ongoing efforts to tackle COVID-19 and will continue to provide support however best we can.”
Here at Contronics, we use Microsoft Teams for all our remote meeting, whether that’s internally or for meetings with customers and suppliers - and it’s proving particularly beneficial at this difficult time.
Nigel Horton, our stock and purchasing controller, said: “Keeping in contact with customers is paramount and by using technology built into Teams, Contronics is able to engage directly with clients who could be working remotely or at their normal place of work.
“The mix of desktop and mobile apps allows colleagues in Contronics to communicate on the go wherever they are. Teams also allows several powerful options such as screen sharing which has already proved valuable in explaining critical information.”
Once you’ve got Teams up and running, you’ll find that you’re able to host web conferences with anyone, with features including meeting note taking, scheduling assistance, recording, instant messaging and screen sharing.
You can also hold live events, whether that’s large meetings, presentations with up to 10,000 attendees both inside and outside your organisation, webinars and so on.
Audio conferencing also allows people to join meetings on the go with a global dial-in number, or they can contact each other directly if they have a mobile device and Teams software downloaded.
Director of technology at NHS Digital Ian Phoenix stressed the importance of technology in supporting patients who are self-isolating, ensuring that they have all the information required and access to medical advice and support… and working remotely is much easier for NHS staff and doctors thanks to software like Teams.
In the current climate, the Contronics Temperature Mapping service continues uninterrupted aided by the various technologies available including Teams.
For advice and information relating to UKAS temperature mapping, get in touch with us today.