Posted on: 22/01/21
Having worked closely with UK blood services for many years, the team at Contronics understands the importance of platelet donations.
The NHS relies on donors to help meet the increasing demand for platelets amongst patients with certain types of cancer (such as leukaemia and lymphoma) who cannot make enough of these life-saving cells. Platelets are stored in blood centres within temperature-controlled incubators at room temperature and require constant agitation to prevent clumping.

Our Operations Specialist, Oliver Smart, regularly makes platelet donations at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
Oliver has visited NHS donation centres 12 times, giving whole blood donations 5 times and platelet donations a total of 7 times!
As a regular blood donor, and before joining the team, Oliver was delighted to hear of Contronics’ support of the industry as a leading supplier of temperature monitoring systems to blood services across England and Wales.
Speaking of why he donates blood and platelets, Oliver said: “I’m a strong believer in sustainability and forward planning, to cover not only normal medical operations but also during emergency situations. Recent world events have proven how important the medical field is, and I want to help in any way I can. Sparing an hour each time I donate is something little I can do, but I know it will make a huge difference to someone else”.
There are currently 23 donor centres across England and 1 in Wales, most centres offer free Wi-Fi, discounted or free car parking, drinks and snacks while you donate and much more.
If you are interested in finding out more about how to donate, please visit the NHS’s platelet donation site or the Welsh Blood Service’s website.