Posted on: 29/08/24
If you've been following our blog, you may have noticed our mentions of UKAS accreditations and ISO standard certifications. If you're curious about what UKAS and ISO are, and why they matter to us as a laboratory monitoring provider, you’re in the right place. In this article, we'll break down what these acronyms stand for and explain why organisations like ours should comply with industry regulations and requirements through these certifications and accreditations.
What is UKAS and why is it important?
UKAS stands for the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, the government-appointed national accreditation body. UKAS assesses and accredits organisations that provide services like certification, testing, inspection, calibration, and more. The goal of accreditation is to ensure an organisation's technical competence and reliability, thereby instilling confidence and trust in its customers. While UKAS accreditation isn't a legal requirement, it often serves as an industry standard based on best practices.
What is ISO?
ISO or the International Organisation of Standardisation, is responsible for setting the standards for many different industry sectors and will regularly issue updates. This ensures that organisations which perform services like the ones mentioned above follow industry best practices accordingly. By adhering to ISO standards, organisations demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high-quality services and products, which in turn boosts customer confidence and satisfaction.
Our commitment
As a laboratory monitoring system supplier offering calibration and mapping services, we are ISO 17025, UKAS-accredited to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and compliance across all our operations, providing you with reliable temperature mapping and calibration services.
At Contronics, we are proud to have achieved ISO 17025, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 UKAS-accredited certifications, demonstrating our commitment to various industry standards.
Find out more about all our accreditations and certifications here, or contact us today.